After a long period of study, research and selection and, inspired by the most important leather fair in the world – Linea Pelle - which operators of our caliber certainly can’t miss, it’s with great satisfaction that Gleni presents the new color chart for python leather, that, according to many different tastes and preferences, will animate the next spring-summer season 2012 and beyond.
Because these tonalities and colors have been directly chosen by us, according to our personal tastes, many other shades will of course be added from time to time, so we suggest that you visit this web page frequently to keep up to date on the latest new colors added to our range.
At a first general overview, the impression we get is of very refined and bright colors that, as they epitomize the spring-summer season, are noticeably more restrained and lighter than the vivid and showy colors that have characterized 2011: next year’s Gleni summer collections as far as python is concerned will be focused on a quieter aspect, preferring nuanced tones and linear color combinations. This will be further enhanced by the matt finish of the leather which, according to our point of view, gives the items themselves a more refined and chic style, in addition conveying the idea of genuine and natural leather, partially submitted to the typical coloring processes characterizing the most vivid shades.
But don’t forget that you will still be able to obtain the same tonalities in the shiny version too.
Neutral shades such as panna and beige will be very fashionable as synonyms of elegance and class, combined with pastel streaks of color, from yellow to green, from blue to pink, which will re-create the typical design of the python skin in a completely natural way.
As far as single shades are concerned, on the other hand, the collections for next spring-summer 2012 will centre around the tones of turquoise, pink, peach orange, ivory and lilac, passing through classic turtledove or light beige.
The metallic effect will still feature strongly for all those courageous and determined looks, applied to pastel leathers or on a neutral base: metallic streaks will brighten the leather to create dynamic and lively accessories where the scales are beautifully enhanced.
Starting with the most linear and homogeneous shades, we point out the return of Salmon, a color with some light grey streaks that partially define the natural texture of the python skin. Delicate and fresh, this color goes perfectly with any model of handbag, and always looks trendy but never too showy, refined but not over the top. Salmon is the IT color for all those women who want to showcase their natural beauty and celebrate the vibrant energy of summer, but without overdoing it with overly flashy colors.
Reproposing a typical winter trend, an important role will be taken by Velvet python, with its velvety and unbelievably captivating feel and look, which it achieves with simplicity and elegance. Light colors obviously excel and we would like to describe them in detail:

- Beige: neutral and going with any other tonality, beige is perfect both during the day and in the evening, because the velvety effect of the leather creates some subtle plays of light with restrained highlights that will shimmer in the moonlight, giving you a sophisticated touch of glamour;
- Light beige:a lighter tone than classic beige, but always chic and elegant, this color reveals some ivory shading tending to pale yellow and has been created to satisfy the many requests from our customers who are frequently obliged to attend evening galas or important events for their work and so need a high quality accessory in a neutral color that goes easily with anything;
- Melon: a typical summer shade, named for the color of the classic summer fruit, the melon. Just like this delicious fruit, “Melon” too offers a sense of verve and fresh harmony to every single style of our collection;
- Water green:an aqua-green summer shade, really wonderful to look at, with light streaks, almost white, just like the crystal waters of the tropical atolls;
- Pink: a really captivating antique pink that, thanks to the velvety effect of this kind of python, assumes some lighter shadings that define every single scale of the leather;
- Grey-liliac: a very surprising color created by the fusion of lilac pink and grey, a very unusual and glamorous color that will surely give verve and elegance to your style, further embellished by the matt velvety finish;
- Light-brown: a delicate and classic light brown, suitable for every season and not only for summer, whose lighter shadings enhance every single scale of the python, even the smallest.

Moving on from single shades and focusing our attention on the more nuanced python tonalities, we bring you our Python Shaded range, characterized by an ice or light beige base with delicate brush strokes of color next to the scales, which creates a “cloudy effect” over the whole leather.
The Python Shaded range is also available in many variants of color:
- Ghiaccio: the base is white with light pearl grey shadings enhancing the contrast between the large scales and the smallest python scales;
- Cognac: characterized by a light beige base with beige shaded streaks over the whole leather;
- Light brown: an ivory base with brown brush strokes on the whole surface, next to the scales;
- Pale rose: the base is ice-white with very delicate pale pink shadings;
- Malva: elegant and chic, created on an ice base, while the natural python scales are further enhanced by mauve violet brush strokes, from which the color itself takes the name.
As far as the pastel tones are concerned, according to the new trends shown at the latest edition of Linea Pelle for 2012, we have turned our focus towards delicate but captivating solutions, preferring the matt finish. Among these we’d like to highlight Rosa Pesco and Arancio.
Rosa Pesco brings to mind the color of peach blossom on the trees in spring but, unlike the tonalities described above, this color reveals the natural python design thanks to grey-black streaks over the whole leather.
The same effect is also obtained by Arancio, a really beautiful orange shade, further enhanced by the contrast with the black of the shading.
Then there are some colors created by the union of several pastel tonalities skillfully blended together by our experienced Italian tanners in order to give the leather a more dynamic feel without depriving it of its refined elegance:

- confetto: so called because this color shows some confetti pink streaks at the centre of leather, in contrast with the matt white of the base and with the black and yellow streaks more in evidence at the sides of the python leather;
- cielo: the central python scales, which are the largest, are sky-blue in color, gradually merging, as it nears the edges of the skin, into a pale yellow with fine brown nuances, then fading into Roccia. This union of different tonalities, seen in its totality, creates a very delicate and refined overall effect but, at the same time, it also gives a dynamic and fresh feel to the python itself;
- avorio: the color here is quite even over the whole surface, an ivory beige with light yellow streaks at the sides and small brown spots;
- roccia invecchiato: the base color here is classic matt roccia where white prevails over gray. However, moving towards the side sections, the leather assumes light yellow streaks that enhance the smallest python scales;
- cammello: a light brown-beige that recalls the color of the camel coat with more defined streaks around the central sections of the leather, where the scales are bigger. It is quite a classic color, so, even though it is proposed as summer color of 2012, this shade is perfect to wear at any season and will go well with any style and look.

Those that prefer bolder colors will be delighted with some of our natural python colors that have a strong visual effect created by the vivid brush strokes in the central section of the leather:
- Safari: recalls the colors of the desert with a grey base and amber brush strokes defining the natural python design. The central scales, the widest ones, on the other hand, are enhanced by orange streaks that further contribute to this “desert” effect.
- Strong pink: shows a matt roccia base with amber spots defining the natural python design and strong pink streaks in proximity of the central section of the leather where scales are larger.
- The same coloring process is used for the creation of another tonality, Desert Blue, so called because it is created from the union of amber yellow brush strokes, enhancing the natural python design in detail, alongside cobalt blue streaks where the scales are bigger, for a very captivating final effect that will certainly make you stand out in a crowd.
- In Emerald green, on the other hand, the contrast between the emerald green of streaks in the central section of the leather, where the scales are larger and longer, and the classic amber brush strokes defining the natural design of the python skin, is further enhanced by the grey python leather base, a very dark Roccia tonality which sets off the vividness and the beauty both of the green and of the amber yellow.
- Very trendy too is the Ruby tonality, with ruby-red central streaks contrasting with the amber yellow brush strokes of the python design and with the base python color, a very elegant dark Roccia.
- Another new color also belonging to this line of python is Pink-Grey, so called because the streaks in the central section of the python, enhancing the bigger scales, assume a pink color with grey brush strokes, while, at the sides, the leather is Roccia with amber yellow spots defining the natural design of the animal.
To satisfy our desire for naturalness and to surround ourselves with accessories that express all their elegance not only in their shape but also in their color, delicate but also versatile and trendy whatever the season, Panna is the color that we can’t do without: a delicious natural light beige with light turtledove streaks highlighting the natural design of the python skin.
Our Arabian color expresses all the typical summer desire to shine like stars but without losing any refinement. The base of this tonality is neutral and delicate but silver, gold and bronze brush strokes overlap the natural python design, at certain points of the leather, creating a really intriguing “mosaic effect” that makes the item itself an explosion of light and verve.
Even though the range of colors that will enlighten the next season is so vast and rich, the distinctive element that they have in common is that they are all very wearable and versatile (given that each tonality will go easily with any look but is not too showy). The same goes for our new type of python, Pitone Brillante, also available in many different colors, and conceived for all those who love a shining and gorgeous accessory, an item that, if necessary, transforms into a precious jewel.
Pitone Brillante is characterized by its metallic streaks of various colors, repeating over the whole leather surface, making it incredibly luminous:
Brilliant Turquoise:
the base of the leather is shaded turquoise, enriched by hazelnut and green spots enhancing the natural python design. Python scales are then brightened by a metallic turquoise finish that confers glamour and verve to the leather itself;
Brilliant Strong Pink:
the base of the leather is antique pink with beige and brown brush strokes where scales are smaller and rounded. Everything is then brightened by metallic strong pink streaks defining and enhancing every single python scale.
Brilliant Copper:
the base color is powder brown with light acid green, grey and military green spots where scales are small defining the natural python design. Metallic copper streaks are then distributed over the whole surface of the leather enhancing the borders of every single scale;
Brilliant Light Pink:
the base is powder pink while, where scales are smaller, the natural python design is enhanced by gold beige spots with a dark brown finish. What gives verve and light to this color is the delicious metallic copper-gold finish that defines each python scale, from the smallest to the biggest, for a really intriguing overall optical effect;
Brilliant Turtledove:
the python base color is turtledove with light grey-brown brush strokes at the sides, where the scales are smaller. Each scale is however brightened and enhanced by the gold metallic finish, more accentuated at certain points;
Brilliant Cream:
the base of the leather is powder beige, a very light and neutral color, enriched by cream and brown brush strokes and by light grey streaks at the sides, around the smallest rounded scales. Everything is then enriched with definite metallic gold streaks that are guaranteed to brighten your summer look, giving you the ultimate in luxury and elegance:
Brilliant Peach:
this color is characterized by a peach pink base with beige-green spots at the sides (where scales are small) and light brown shadings. The python scales are then enhanced with delectable and very captivating metallic orange streaks;
Brilliant Silver:
the base is matt grey-beige with darker streaks and light brown, beige and lead grey brush strokes, reproducing the natural pattern of python. This tonality is then enlivened and enriched with a metallic silver finish repeating over the whole surface, enhancing every single scale.

Lighter than the “Brilliant Silver” category but always in theme with silver shadings, we present our Acqua Marina shade: a very nuanced aqua-green base with light beige spots in the central section of the leather where scales are bigger while, at the sides, the smaller scales are made visible thanks to a delicate metallic silver streak that delineates every outline. The whole python leather, unbelievably soft to the touch, is matt, except for the central section where, around the larger, longer scales, the leather assumes a shiny finish, further enhanced by white streaks on the leather itself. We are certainly talking about a fresh and dynamic color, a very youthful tonality but absolutely refined and elegant that will increase your desire to live life to the full next summer 2012, giving free rein to your seductive vitality.
We remind our wholesalers of the option to buy whole python leathers in the above mentioned colors directly, or in any other shade belonging to our color range. They can simply contact us via e-mail or over the phone for more details. Our operators will be very happy to help you with every step of your choice.
If you want to enjoy the beauty and the elegance of these new tonalities, you don’t need to wait till next year; most of them will in fact be complete already so you could start placing your first orders ……. because with Gleni you are always in step with the times!